bee books

book title description
The Hive and The Honey Bee
The Hive and The Honey Bee by Dadant & Sons (along with A.I. Root's ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture) are considered among many beekeepers to be the definitive guides to bees and beekeeping. Included are detailed diagrams of bee anatomy and equipment, as well as management techniques to maintain the health and production of your hives.
Keeping Bees
Keeping Bees by John Vivian is a great source of information for the both the novice and hobbyist beekeeper. This book is especially valuable for those interested in building their own equipment, from hives parts, solar wax melter, foundation press or even a box to "line" bees the old fashion way!
The New Complete Guide to Beekeeping
The New Complete Guide to Beekeeping by Roger A. Morse is another great reference guide for beekeepers, and includes detailed information on bees, beekeeping, hive management and utilizing products from the hive. A chapter on Mead (honey wine) provides easy-to-follow instructions for the home winemaker.
Beekeeping: A Practical Guide
Beekeeping: A Practical Guide by Richard E. Bonney is geared for the beginning or novice beekeeper, as well as the more advanced, that wants to expand their knowledge in this fascinating field. I've heard the book is also used as a required text in many beginning beekeeping classes.
A Book of Bees
A Book of Bees by Sue Hubbell, author of A Country Year. Sue writes in such a relaxed way you feel you're by her side whether she's out working with her bees, or talking to the locals in the rural Missouri Ozark countryside. A great "bedtime" book doubling as an introduction into the world of beekeeping.

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Last Updated: May 25, 2002